
Welcome to the Kansas Department of Credit Unions!  Information on this site is designed to be helpful to the public, credit union members and credit union staff. Suggestions to improve the site may be sent to the KDCU office.

Julie Murray, CPM

NOTICE:  The Kansas Department of Credit Unions is currently transitioning to a new website which is expected to be live in mid-July.  If you are unable to access a document or need information, please email kdcu.office@ks.gov.  We apologize for any inconvenience.


EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1, 2023:  Cyber Incident Notification Requirements; Letter No. 23-CU-07

NCUA 2024 Supervisory Priorities; Letter No. 24-CU-01


•  Cybersecurity Information

IMPORTANT:  Updated ACET Toolbox (NCUA)

NCUA Letter to Credit Unions No. 21-CU-15 (Automated Cybersecurity Evaluation Toolbox)

NCUA Risk Alert 22-RISK-01

IMPORTANT:  CISA Provides No-Cost Vulnerability Scanning

 •  Field of Membership Forms

On February 25, 2021, Governor Laura Kelly signed into law SB 15, which includes a change to the Kansas field of membership statute (K.S.A.17-2205).  The changes went into effect July 1, 2021.

Below are updated forms for Kansas credit unions interested in changing their field of membership:

Application Supporting Document Checklist and Publication Notice

Application for Change in Field of Membership

Certificate of Bylaw Amendment - Board Vote

•  KDCU Credit Union Council

The next regular meeting of the KDCU Credit Union Council is scheduled for 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, September 19, 2024.  The meeting will take place in the KDCU Conference Room, 700 SW Jackson, Suite 803, Topeka, Kansas.  Call-in information:  1-888-585-9008; Conference Room No. 814-015-855

NASCUS Accreditation

  Accredited through December 31, 2026